Book a Data Operations Check-Up

Book this one-hour consultation with our team to talk candidly about the issues you’re facing and get clear guidance on what’s at-play.  Questions we have helped others answer:

  • Is my conversion taking too long?

  • My boss thinks we need a new CRM.  Where do I start?

  • How can I better integrate my current systems?

  • How do implement this conversion in as streamlined a manner as possible?

  • Is an API the answer?

  • How do I confidently identify my most valuable donors such as hidden sustainers?

  • What engagement signals am I missing in my data?

  • I need to change my configuration.  What do I do?

We’ll deliver our recommendations on next steps in our Path Forward Summary.  Fill out this form and our team will be in touch. As a bonus, the cost for the $500 Check-Up Fee will be applied to future invoices.